Theater Movie For 75 Cents
Our family went to see “G Force” today at the discount movie theatre in Round Rock. It was a cute movie and worth the seventy-five cents we each paid. On Mondays all movies are seventy-five cents for three or more. On other days it is a little higher. As an adult and as a kid I enjoyed going to the movies, so I’m hoping my boys like the experience too. We go on Mondays for the discount. I figure if my three year old doesn’t sit still through the whole movie it’s o.k. It’s not a huge loss. He’s been doing pretty well. The last fifteen to twenty minutes it gets a little disturbing. At this point my son and I usually head to the back of the theatre so others can watch. As a parent, I look for reasonable and fun things for my boys to do and hope this information might be helpful for another parent.
Brandon Says:
*** Update: They raised the price to $0.75.
Posted on January 4th, 2010 at 9:16 pm