KidFish at Lake Pflugerville

There will be a “KidFish” at Lake Pflugerville this Saturday, June 5th from 9 to 12. Our family hasn’t had the chance to experience this event, but I will definitely let everyone know how it goes. From what I read, the idea behind “Kid Fish” is for children to appreciate the sport of fishing. Also, they hope that children respect the environment and its natural resources. On the city of Pflugerville’s website there is a registration form that needs to be filled out to participate in the event. The form is to be taken to the event on Saturday. It is a free event, but I was told by the recreation department of Pflugerville that if you make a donation, the participant can receive a t-shirt or trophy.  I wasn’t told how much the donation had to be. So, my guess is if it’s $100, I will have to pass. Either way it sounds fun and since Andrew loves to fish, we will definitely be there.

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